We are thrilled to announce that the AGREEMAR project was recently showcased by Prof. Joaquín Andreu during an international Training Course on “Conjunctive Management of Surface and Groundwater in the Mediterranean”. This event, organized by UNESCO, took place on 17-19 May 2023 at the Júcar River Basin Agency, in Valencia (Spain), and brought together water management experts, researchers, and policymakers. Prof. Joaquín Andreu highlighted the project’s main objectives and engaged in a fruitful discussion with the attendees regarding the potential outcomes.

The engagement and interest displayed by the attendees underscored the growing recognition of conjunctive management methodologies and diverse water sources as vital components for enhancing water resources management. The fruitful dialogue further highlighted the shared commitment to finding innovative approaches that promote sustainability and address the pressing water challenges faced in the Mediterranean region.
By featuring the AGREEMAR project in this training session, we aimed to raise awareness about the project’s contributions and its potential to address pressing challenges in water governance and managed aquifer recharge systems. The interaction and feedback received from the attendees further validate the relevance and need for comprehensive and integrated approaches to water resources management.