An online meeting between LNEC, UPV and Águas do Alentejo (AgdA) took place on 30 June 2023 with the aim to discuss the possibility of supporting the decision-making on water management in Alentejo with the aid of an AQUATOOL model.

Within the framework of the work package 3 of the AGREEMAR project, an online meeting between LNEC, UPV and Águas do Alentejo (AgdA) was con-ducted on 30 June 2023. The scope of the meeting was to explore opportunities for the implementation of the AQUATOOL DSS at the AGREEMAR demo region Alentejo in Portugal. During the meeting, a detailed introduction to the AQUATOOL capabilities and previous implementa-tions was presented by Joaquín Andreu (UPV). The objective of this implementation is to reproduce a section of AgdA’s water supply system within the whole water management model to support the decision-making process. The expected outcome within AGREEMAR is to explore possible MAR solu-tions that may increase the water supply efficiency and resilience but, outside the project objective, is also aiming to provide AgdA with a decision-making support tool that may be useful for the overall man-agement of the water supply system. The structure of the necessary data was discussed in more detail, possible information gaps were identi-fied and implementation milestones were delineat-ed. AgdA is now in direct contact with UPV for the exchange of all the information necessary. The first step will be to provide the design of the water supply system.