On Friday, 17 November 2023, the UPV team of the AGREEMAR project met with the Water Commissary and the Hydrological Planning Office of the Júcar Basin Authority to validate the MAR feasibility maps and their weighting coefficients.

The team presented a comprehensive overview of the proposed methodology, including different suitability maps for intrinsic suitability, water availability, and water demand, all of which received general validation. Subsequently, a constructive discussion on the weighting coefficients for each element took place, leading to the validation of the final feasibility maps. The methodology was embraced as a practical tool to continue stakeholder engagement in MAR. Additionally, key advancements of the AGREEMAR project were presented, contributing to the comprehensive discussions. The meeting also covered diverse topics, including brainstorming on the potential application of a MAR governance framework in Spain and discussions on MAR legislation.