Visit to the Regional Agricultural Authorities of Nabeul governorate (CRDA of Nabeul) and field visit in Korba MAR facility

On 28 February 2024, Dr. Panagiotou (ERATOSTHENES CoE) and Prof. Chekirbane (INAT) visited the headquarters of the Agricultural authorities of Nabeul governorate (CRDA) to discuss the quality status of the aquifer system in Korba and the risks associated with the use of treated wastewater for managed aquifer recharge (MAR).

Dr. Panagiotou (ECoE) visiting the Korba MAR site in Tunisia, 28 February 2024

The visit was part of an exchange between consortium members of the AGREEMAR project and contributed to sharing experiences on MAR between partners from Cyprus and Tunisia. As part of the visit, the agenda included also a field trip to the MAR facility in Korba, the Tunisian pilot site in the AGREEMAR project. The CRDA representatives provided a detailed description of the MAR components and the main issues associated with the functionality of the facility. A first set of groundwater samples and data collected from monitoring wells located near Korba MAR site are expected to be provided to Dr. Panagiotou to assess the extent of seawater intrusion in the vicinity of the site.